Food You Didn't Know can Ruin Your Teeth
There are dozens of kinds of food that can directly impact and assault your teeth and dental health, but which ones affect them the most? Acids, sugars, and sticky things are the worst possible things for your teeth, and this Honolulu Dentist suggests avoiding them.
Vinegar is packed full of acids, and pickles sit in that acid and soak up that vinegar. When you eat pickles, the vinegar comes into contact with your tooth enamel and wears it down. This acidic vinegar directly damages your teeth every time you eat pickles.
Crackers have a high number of refined carbohydrates, which directly leads to inflammation in the body. Periodontal disease is caused by bodily inflammation. Eating crackers often can lead to inflammation and illness, especially without
Sports Beverages
Sports beverages are sugary, thick, and acidic. The drink's thickness makes the liquid stick firmly to your teeth, sometimes for days, this acid, if not washed away, can seriously deteriorate your teeth. Using water to rehydrate is your best option.
Dozens of different foods can impact your dental hygiene, and those foods usually also affect your physical well-being. If you're concerned about your dental health and the foods you eat, feel free to ask us at your next appointment!